There are many ways that employees can become injured, one of the most common injuries is a back injury. Back injuries can lead to loss of balance. Causing an increased risk of falling, reduced mobility, chronic pain, and fatigue.
Although they are very common, they can be prevented. Ergonomics programs are put in to evaluate jobs that require frequent lifting. Can also include jobs that involve twisted or bent postures; or pushing or pulling tasks. Ergonomic programs are implemented to improve the workers' safety. They can teach workers how to reduce falls by having safe stair-climbing techniques. Providing regular training in proper lifting techniques will allow the employees' muscles to now become strained.
According to the statistics, the most common cause of back injuries is lifting heavy objects. Other leading causes include slipping, falling, and slipping on materials such as liquid or wet floors. According to the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), back injuries are preventable by using proper lifting techniques such as lifting with your legs and using your arms. You can reduce strain on your muscles by keeping them relaxed so they stay mobile and flexible while you lift someone or something into place. Using a back-support belt is a great way to reduce the risk of back injury at work. A recent study has shown that wearing a back-support belt can help to protect your spine from damage and injury. There are a lot of jobs that either require you to be in an awkward posture for long periods or if it's physically demanding or both. In any of these cases, wearing a back belt is recommended. An Example is the Elite Back Support Belt. (shown below)
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